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Separation Anxiety


With full support

with a certified separation

anxiety specialist (CSAT) &

clinical behaviourist Kay

Separation anxiety can be one of the most challenging behavioural issues to live with and resolve... but we've got you! 

We are here to help get your life back to normal, and help teach your dog that they can be safe home alone....

Are you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, trapped at home? Don't know where to start?


Clinical behaviourist Kay Warnes (CSAT, CAB MSc) specialises in blending in science-based 'positive-reinforcement' techniques with empathy to help you find the best, most effective, solution to your dog's big feelings around being left home alone. 


Support, guidance and hope is possible! We will help you achieve your absence goals!

What to expect from your:

Online Separation Anxiety Program

Intake form - once you contact us, you will be sent a short form so we can find out a little information about your dog and their needs.


Complimentary informational call - this will be followed by a free 20 minute call to make sure that we are the best choice for you and your dog, and you know how our separation program works. 


- If we proceed forward, we will send you a contract, an invoice and a referral form for your vet to fill in

Initial assessment (60 minute) via Zoom, where we will discuss:

- your dog's behaviour

- your separation goals

- your home set up, and leaving routine

- our collaborative spreadsheet and how we will work together going forward


We will also conduct a live 'natural' assessment of your dog's alone time behaviours, discovering your dog's baseline threshold so we can build a personalised program from here.

A customised support and treatment plan - together we work as a team to help your dog learn to overcome their anxiety, with my expert guidance and understanding at every step of the way.  


It's okay, you're safe now...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is separation anxiety?: Separation anxiety is a true panic disorder. Similar to a human phobia e.g. fear of flying or spiders. Behaviours shown can vary from individual to individual but common behaviours may include - panting, vocalising (whining, barking, howling), indoor toileting, destructive behaviour. Dogs are never trying to punish, spite or get back at their guardians for leaving them. The behaviours shown during panic are entirely out of their control. 


"Studies show that up to 20% of all dogs has separation related issues on some level, and account for 40% of all dogs referred for professional help" (Sargisson, 2014).


Will a dog or puppy just get over it?: No, without careful intervention and with continued exposure to the scary stimulus (being left alone) your dog or puppy will likely get worse with time. In the same way a human would need careful therapy to over-come a phobia, or any mental health issue, dogs also require specialist help to learn effective coping mechanisms. It is especially important with puppies to never leave them for more than they can cope with, with a carefully constructed alone time plan. This truly is the time to teach them that alone time really isn't scary for them! 


Will getting another dog help?: It is unlikely that getting another dog will fix things. Dogs usually have separation related issues from their human family, so would be unaffected in their feelings by the presence of another dog. Even worse, you might end up with two dogs with separation issues! Double trouble. 


Is separation anxiety treatable?: Yes!​ However, there is no quick fix for this! It is entirely possible for a dog to learn to feel safe when alone. Just as a person can overcome their fear of public speaking or flying, dogs can beat their fear of being alone!


How long does the process take?: There is no simple answer for this as every dog is an individual, and as with human therapy it would not be ethical or advisable to give estimates on how long a treatment might take. The dog always sets the pace of training. Treating an established emotional response will take time and commitment. Even the outward severity of a case does not predict length of time. A seemingly very serious case may take less time than a seemingly very mild case. Some dogs may take only weeks to recover, while others may take several months. It is worth noting that during the early stages, progress may feel very slow, with small absence goals achieved, but usually as the process moves forward learning accelerates and seconds turn into minutes, and then hours! We will be here to celebrate all the small and then big wins with you together!


Why do we work only online?: Unlike other behaviour issues, separation anxiety does not require the trainer to be physically present. In fact, the presence of the trainer in the home can prevent working on the issue naturally. It is vital that the assessments and missions set are as natural as possible to your regular leaving routine. This would be not be possible with a trainer in the room. A trainer present also provides a cue for when 'safe' absences occur, which will not translate to when the trainer is not with you. Working online is now the only method that all specialists offer in this field, as it is well established that progress will be much faster and more effective this way. As much as we would rather meet your dog in person (who doesn't want dog cuddles!), what we want more is the best solution for your pup's separation issues - and this is the way!


What commitments do we need from you?: Firstly, a commitment to stick to the program and do every mission set for you. Without this progress will be sadly much slower, even possibly with no progress at all! We will be your cheerleader along the way though, supporting you through this!


Secondly, to suspend all absences during the process. This is an absolute deal breaker commitment we require to start a program. It is vitally important that your dog is never left alone for longer than we have determined that they can cope with. Even one 'scary/ surpise' absence for your dog can de-rail the process and impede any success. We will endeavour to help you come up with creative ways to make sure that your dog always has a safe option for company, while they gradually learn that being alone is okay.


Separation Packages 

We're in this together, let's get started!

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