London Bridge
St Katherine's Docks
Burgess Park
Southwark Park
Bermondsey Street
Holly and Lil
Tanner Street Park
dog training
dog behaviour
central London
Fully insured
dog trainer in London
dog behaviourist
puppy classes in london

About Wanderdog
Welcome to...
Here at Wanderdog we fully understand how important your dog’s happiness and wellbeing is to you, as it is incredibly important to us too. Whether you’re thinking of getting a new puppy, have just added a new rescue dog to your family, or you have an older dog with extra training and behavioural needs, we are here to help and guide you.
We offer one-to-one private puppy and dog training sessions from the comfort of your own home, as well as behavioural consultations under vet referral for more complex needs.
We also hold interactive group puppy classes for puppies under 20 weeks old at the Bermondsey Village Hall in the heart of Bermondsey, and puppy socials in the park.
See our service pages for more information regarding our training packages and group classes.

Wanderdog Ethos
Wanderdog promotes the use of force-free, kind, choice-based experiences for all of our Wanderdogs. We firmly believe that fun and reward-based training is the most effective way to build better, stronger relationships with our dogs, based on trust and cooperation. We completely dismiss the use of intimidation, physical punishment or fear as a means to train, walk or live alongside our dogs. We will never use or promote the use of aversive training techniques or equipment. We truly believe there are far more effective and kinder ways to live in harmony with our favourite canine family members.

Reward-based training, through the use of 'positive reinforcement', means to add something desirable to make 'preferred' behaviours more likely to be repeated in the future. In training we predominantly use food as our main motivator, or 'payment', as we find for many dogs this is incredibly rewarding.
Wanderdog, as a company, endeavours to keep up to date with current research, through continued education and by regularly attending seminars and conferences. We believe in taking advantage of every opportunity to learn and deepen our knowledge about the most effective and scientifically proven ways to have the kindest relationship with our dogs.
Our aim is to make puppy and dog training fun and safe for all involved!
About Trainer & Behaviourist - Kay (she/ her)

As a baby my first word was dog – no kidding! However, the excitement that erupted in my parents by my ability to point at my family dog and successfully say ‘dog’, was short lived when I immediately pointed at everything in sight and proudly proclaimed each as ‘dog’. I think this inborn ability to see dogs just about everywhere, has only continued on to my later life and considerably spurred my interest in all dog related topics.
Growing up I have always lived with dogs and known that I wanted to work with them. During my second year studying Sociology at the University of Bristol, I caved into temptation, and found my very own Springer Spaniel Lucy (aka Lucy Woo Woo – or the Original Wanderdog), who’s been my better, furrier half ever since.
Lucy is now 14 years old, and still my best friend! She has slowed down a bit after being diagnosed with hip dysplasia and arthritis, so we keep her doing short but frequent walks, lots of indoor enrichment games, and take her to hydrotherapy to do gentle impact exercise.
After forming such a close bond with Lucy and finding that I wanted the very best for her in every way, I quickly developed my interests in dog nutrition, health and behaviour. I have since spent countless hours studying and generally researching all sorts of dog related topics.
I began dog walking and pet sitting in 2010, in-and-around my education and full time work. I also worked in rescue centres and have fostered dogs in the past. This includes two American Cocker Spaniels - Myra and Cole. I worked with these adorable dogs until a forever family was eventually found for them.
After a few years working in office environments, I came to realise that working with dogs is my greatest passion in life, so Wanderdog was born in January 2017 as a dog walking and pet sitting business.
In January 2018, I graduated with distinction from the Victoria Stilwell Dog Trainer Academy. This was a very intensive course, that included learning directly from Victoria Stilwell herself, and other fantastic dog trainers from both the US and UK. The course allowed me the opportunity to work closely with an amazing mentor, who has over a decade worth of experience and a crazily impressive knowledge of all things dog, training and behaviour - Eryn (Believe in Magic).

In 2020 I graduated with distinction from the University of Lincoln with a MSc in Clinical Animal Behaviour. I feel very grateful to be able to have learnt from leaders in the field of animal behaviour, such as Dr Daniel Mills the first professor of veterinary behaviour medicine. On graduation, I was also given the award for the 'most outstanding thesis' in my cohort.
​At the end of 2020, I achieved my pre-certification with the governing body ASAB (Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour) to gain my CCAB (Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist) accreditation. My goal is that this will be completed within the next year or so. To achieve this, I have joined FABC (The Fellowship of Animal Behaviour Clinicians). I am also a provisional member of APBC (Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors). Provisional members have demonstrated that they have the appropriate level of knowledge and understanding for the professional role of Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CAB). They are now gaining the practical experience necessary to be assessed as a CAB and therefore become a Full Member of the APBC. The APBC supports its Provisional Members undertaking behaviour consultations. ​
In early 2021, I have completed a level 1 course to become a Canine Arthritis Management Advocate. Something that is close to my heart, due to my own Lucy's struggle with hip dysplasia and arthritis. I have also completed a level 3 diploma in Canine Health & Nutrition with distinction.
In October of 2021, I passed my exams to join membership with APDT (Association of Pet Dog Trainers) and am now a fully fledged member of this regulating body (Membership no: 01509).
At the end of 2021, I completed Michael Shiashiko's Aggression Mastercourse to hone my skills in dog aggression cases.
In May 2023, I graduated from a four-month intensive course as a CSAT (certified separation anxiety trainer) studying under world expert Malena De Martini.
In January 2024 I graduated as a Dynamic Dog Practitioner Course studying under gait, movement and pain expert Gemma Hodson.
I strive to continue to advance my knowledge of canine psychology, health and behaviour and will continue to attend relevant seminars, courses and conferences to keep my knowledge as up-to-date as possible. The dog training industry is a continually evolving science!

Additional Continued Professional Development (CPD)
24-25th June 2017 - UK Dog Bite Prevention & Behaviour Conference​
4th June 2018 - Fear and Anxiety: How to help your fearful Dog online seminar with Lisa Tenzin-Dolma
8th June 2018 - What to do, when with Victoria Stilwell
9-10th June 2018 - National Dog Behaviour Conference with Victoria Stilwell
7-8th July 2018 - Puppy Power Seminar with Chirag Patel, Sarah Fisher, Kay Attwood & Pam Mackinnon
9th July 2018 - Foundational Agility Day with Jo Pay
22nd July 2018 - No pain, more gain workshop with Rachel Hayball, Tom Candy & Millie Robinson
28th July 2018 - Scent Work Foundation Level 1 with Louise Bater
16th August 2018 - Natural Nutrition Webinar with Bianca Major
October 2018 - Aug 2019 - Monthly subscription to Sarah Whitehead's Inner Circle (a selection of online seminars on various topics)
17th November 2018 - Scent Work Handling Skills Level 2 with Kim Kaye
21st November 2018 - Brains, Bowls and Bull with Dr Nick Thompson
24th November 2018 - Heelwork to Music with Richard Curtis
17th January 2019 - An Evening Talk with Chirag Patel - Aggression
9-12th February 2019 - Woof, The Animal and Behaviour Training Conference with Chirag Patel
14th April 2019 - Scent Work Skill Builder Level 3 with Pam Mackinnon
11th May 2019 - Day Seminar with Holistic Vet Dr Nick Thompson
16-17th May 2019 - 2 Day Think Dog! Practical with Sarah Whitehead
18-19th May 2019 - National Dog Behaviour Conference with Victoria Stilwell
26-30th May 2019 - TTouch Companion Animal Practitioner Training Program with Lucy Leclere
17-23rd August 2019 - Chirag Patel's Practical Puppy Training Instructors Course
11-15th November 2020 - Pet Professional Guild (PPG) Geek Week Conference
11th November - 2nd December 2020 - 3-week Recall crash course for dog trainers with Kay Attwood
22nd February - 8th March 2021 - 3-week Loose lead walking course for dog trainers with Kay Attwood
1st-22nd March 2021 - 4-week Nose to Toes Alchemy 'Scent Work' Trainer Course with Eryn Martyn-Godfrey & Rachel Birt
23rd March 2021 - Helping Velcro dogs and Teaching them to cope when alone with Roz Pooley
April 2021 - Sarah Whitehead online course on Canine Hormones, Sex and Neutering
22nd May 2021 - FABC Annual Behaviour Conference (Daniel Mills, Jon Bowen, Sarah Heath, Rachel Casey, Helen Zulch)
22nd-24th October 2021 - Aggression in Dogs Conference with Michael Shikashio
4th December 2021 - Reactive Rascals - 5-hour seminar with Alex Wilson of Xtradog
22nd - 23rd March 2022 - 2-day Bronze Detection Dog Practical Instructor Course with UK Sniffer Dogs
18 - 20 July 2022 - 3-day Animal Training Course with Jo Mason
10th - 11th September 2022 - From one reward to the next - an immersive R+ weekend with Eva Bertlisson
18-20th March 2023 - 4-hour online seminar - Giardia, Health & Behaviour with Dr. Amber Batson
16th April 2024 - Throw everything out of the seventh-floor window, considerations for urban dog training with Melissa McCue-McGrath
22nd -23rd June 2024 - Puppy School Conference 2024 with Gwen Bailey (author of The Perfect Puppy & The Natural Dog)
23rd -24th November 2024 - ABK 2024 - When Dogs Bite Conference with Michael Shikashio, Amber Bateson, Sarah Fisher & co

About Trainer - Toni (they/them)
I'm Toni! (they/them). I am a dog trainer qualified through the Professional Association of Canine Trainers (PACT) and a registered Animal Training Instruction with the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC). I began my dog training journey in 2020 after my maltese x yorkshire terrier, Bella, bit a groomer during her grooming appointment. I realised in that moment how truly terrified she must've been and I wanted to do everything I could to help her feel safer. After I completed my qualification, I decided to specialise in Cooperative Care. Cooperative Care is an area of dog training that teaches animals to be active and willing participants in their own care. Our dogs have to experience many types of care in their lifetimes such as haircuts, nail clipping and veterinary examinations so it's important we prepare them for it all!

In June 2023 I brought home my Golden Retriever puppy, Buffy. We immediately found that she had an aversion to being touched and handled and we got started straight away on Cooperative Care training. I have watched her grow into an affectionate and resilient dog who is willing to try new things because Cooperative Care gave her the confidence to make brave choices. Buffy and I are now working on getting our Deb Jones' Cooperative Care Certificate where the dog and guardian work to complete 12 cooperative care behaviours to Levels 1, 2 and 3.
I am also a volunteer trainer for the assistance dog charity Dog A.I.D. where I work with physically disabled people to get their dogs qualified as assistance dogs for their guardians.
As a queer person with an invisible disability, it is important to me that my training is accessible and inclusive to all dogs and people.
You can find me on my website here -
And my Instagram @tonitrainsdogs
The specialist courses I have done in Cooperative Care are:
Heather Clever - Introduction to Cooperative Care
Grisha Stewart - What is Cooperative Care?
Companion Animal Training - Cooperative Care in Action
Linlin Cao - Cooperative Care Unleashed
Fear Free - Happy Vet Visits for Dogs
Fenzi Dog Sport Academy - Yes Please! Cooperative Canine Care with Deb Jones PhD - Gold Level


Continued Professional Development (CPD)
6th September 2020: Victoria Stilwell – Being a Good Pet Neighbour
6th September 2020: Victoria Stilwell – Building Your Dog’s Confidence
October 2020 - February 2022: Professional Association of Canine Trainers (PACT) Canine Instructor Course
25th January 2021: PAWtected - Introduction to Assistance Dogs
25th January 2021: PAWtected - Basic Assistance Dog Awareness
28th January 2021: Karolina Westlund - Classical and Operant Conditioning Masterclass
3rd February 2021: Dr Amber Batson - Memory Matters
10th February 2021: Nat Light - Building Trust, Safety and Confidence
10th February 2021: Pawsitive Futures - Impulse Control in Teenage Dogs
24th February 2021: Debby Lucken - Jealousy in Dogs
4th March 2021: Michael Shikashio - Understanding Dog Aggression
24th March 2021: Dr Conor Brady - The Colossal but Unspoken Role of Nutrition in Behaviour
2nd June 2021: Dr Amber Batson - Pain and the Influence on Behaviour
23rd July 2021: Natasha Atwood - 4 Paws 4 Wheels
1st September 2021: Nat Light - Ethical and Effective Dog Training Methods
20th October 2021: Jack Fenton - Raising a Pandemic Puppy
21st October 2021: Debby Lucken - A Better Life for Kids around Dogs
21st November 2021: Karen Wild - Beyond Socialisation
11th January 2022: Dr Sara Davies - Phantom Pregnancies - The Silent Killer
January 2022-May 2022: Butternut Box Nutrition School
2nd February 2022: Grisha Stewart - What is Cooperative Care?
27th March 2022: Kathy Murphy - Biome, Brain and Behaviour
April 2022: Companion Animal Training - Cooperative Care in Action 3 webinar series
April 2022: Sarah Heath - Separation Related Disorders in Dogs
17th June 2022: Linlin Cao - Cooperative Care Unleashed
27th August 2022: Your Dog’s Friend - Resource Guarding: How to Help the Dog who Doesn’t Share
25th August 2022: Michael Shikashio - How to Avoid the Bitey End of the Dog
9th October 2022: Leslie McDevitt - Control Unleashed for Nervous or Aroused Dogs
18th October 2022: Fear Free - Happy Vet Visits for Dogs
September - October 2022 Fenzi Dog Sport Academy - Yes Please! Cooperative Canine Care
Ongoing: Raw Fed and Nerdy
Ongoing: Canine First Aid

About Trainer - Nina (she/her)

After a series of challenging events, I made the decision to welcome a dog into my life and soon found myself with a German Shepherd puppy, who has taught me so much about the human-canine bond. A keen interest in canine behaviour and training was reignited, as well as the fulfilment of a childhood dream to have my own canine companion and to work with dogs! I sought advice and support from Wanderdog, who were kind, knowledgeable and encouraging, and began shadowing foundation and intermediate classes. I quickly developed my knowledge, practical skills and confidence in working with dogs and their guardians. In January 2023, I embarked on formal training with PACT (Professional Association of Canine Trainers) and qualified as an animal training instructor (ATI) in May 2024 (pending). During this time, I continued to volunteer with Wanderdog and developed my skills further by attending the annual PACT conference (DogX) and enjoyed Melissa McCue-McGarth’s work on training dogs in an urban environment, as well as Sindhoor Pangal’s research into the lives of free-roaming dogs in India.
Historically, I have experience walking reactive dogs and supporting free-roaming dogs in Portugal. My current areas of interest include human-animal interactions (HAI) particularly the relationship between guardians and their dogs, and the impact that this has on both the physical and psychological health of both alike. Additionally, I am curious about the novel and creative ways to provide enrichment to dogs in their daily lives, especially those in urban environments, working with large dog breeds (especially herding, bully breeds and livestock guardian dogs), multi-species households (specifically dogs and cats) and animal-assisted therapies.
You can find me on Instagram @their_incredible_journeys

Continued Professional Development (CPD)
January 2023-Pending: PACT-Canine Instructor Training Course
October 2023: PACT-Dog X Conference