London Bridge
St Katherine's Docks
Burgess Park
Southwark Park
Bermondsey Street
Holly and Lil
Tanner Street Park
dog training
dog behaviour
central London
Fully insured
dog trainer in London
dog behaviourist
puppy classes in london

Terms & Conditions
By making a booking with Wanderdog, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and fully accept our terms and conditions as detailed below:
Training Methods & Equipment
At Wanderdog our philosophy of training is founded on modern science. All training techniques and advice provided by Wanderdog will be kind, fair and reward based. Wanderdog’s training methods all abide by the APDT code of practice. See here for more information -
Wanderdog will never promote the use of harsh handling, physical force, or any punitive ‘aversive’ training methods. Wanderdog will never use or promote equipment that causes discomfort, fear, or pain. This includes but is not limited to choke ‘check’ chains, prong collars, spray collars or e-collars (electric or vibration). These items will not be permitted in any class or private session and can never be used safely in any training capacity.
Guardian Commitment
Training and behaviour change takes time, commitment, consistency, and patience. Implementing any training plan is the responsibility of the guardian, as is their dog’s welfare and on-going behaviour.
The guardian recognises the consistent role they play in their own dog's learning process is integral to achieving effective and desired results. To achieve optimal results, many short daily training sessions at home in a lower distraction environment will help consolidate and improve learning.
The guardian acknowledges and agrees that there is no guarantee that their dog will achieve the desired level of training, despite the best efforts of the trainers at Wanderdog.
In group classes, the guardian agrees to always keep their dog under control and on lead throughout every class. Dogs must not approach other puppies within their personal stations. This is to provide each dog with a safe space within the hall.
The guardian confirms that, if their dog has shown aggressive behaviour in the past either towards other dogs or towards people (including growling, snarling, barking, lunging, biting) this will be disclosed in full PRIOR TO attending any group or private class starting.
In a group class, if a dog is deemed to be too anxious or stressed, we will do our best to help the situation, but if the dog can’t cope with the environment, then the guardian may be asked to remove the dog in their best interests and welfare.
If information regarding the dog’s behaviour has been omitted from either the intake form or initial contact which constitutes behavioural work, Wanderdog will not address these behaviours during the group class or private training session. Wanderdog will either cease the session if there is a safety or welfare issue for the trainer or dog, or will address only training concerns, and re-organise an official behavioural consultation or referral for the behaviour work.
In group classes dogs are to wear a harness preferably, but if not a flat collar and lead. “Flexi- / retractable leads” are not allowed in class to prevent injury to others. Slip leads and head collars are also not allowed to prevent injury to the dog. Wanderdog enourages the use of fixed length leads in both private and group training situations (ideally 2 meters for general walking exercises and 10 metres for recall).
All training handouts and any material given is under copyright to Wanderdog and is not to be passed on to other members of the public without our permission.
Payments & Bookings
Wanderdog actively encourages all family members living with the dog to attend classes and train with them (group and private). However, the guardian must be at least 18 years old to book with Wanderdog. If the guardian is under 18 there must be a supervising adult present.
Wanderdog will always provide an invoice and receipt of payment. The price advertised at the time of booking applies.
‘Group classes’
All invoices must be paid in full by bank transfer before a dog is considered booked on to any group course. If payment is not received before the date provided on the invoice (within 2 days of the invoice date) the group class spot may be given away to another dog.
Booking confirms the guardian’s attendance for the full course. If a guardian is unable to attend a session, they agree to let Wanderdog know as soon as possible.
Classes will endeavour to start on time to cover class content and because another class may start shortly afterwards. If the guardian can’t attend a session for any reason, it will not be possible to join another course.
Wanderdog will provide alternative ways for the guardian and dog to gain the class content. Either through joining online via zoom in real-time (3 hours’ notice must be provided), or by sending a pre-recorded version of the class to be watched in a guardian’s own time (this is available for weeks 1-5).
It is the guardian’s responsibility to ensure they attend group classes on the correct date, time, and place according to the instructions provided.
‘Private Training Packages’
If a payment is not received within 48 hours of the service, the service cannot commence, and a new date will need to be arranged.
All private training packages must be completed within their designated period allocated from the date of booking; otherwise, unused sessions will be lost. For the standard package this is within 3 months of the consult date, and for the ultimate package within 6 months of consult date.
‘Behavioural Packages’
Full payment of a behaviour package is due in advance of the consultation by at least one week to keep a consultation date. This can be paid by bank transfer.
All behaviour packages must be completed within their designated period of three months allocated from the date of booking; otherwise, unused sessions will be lost. Follow up sessions are considered 'complimentary' and are therefore of no monetary value. These are to be used where the guardian wishes to, and it is up to the guardian to book these in with Wanderdog.
Cancellations & Refunds​
‘Group Classes’
Wanderdog operates classes using a very low tutor: puppy ratio, therefore refunds may only be given with 7 DAYS NOTICE before the start of the course (the online orientation class date). Failure to notify us of a cancellation within this time frame will result in no refund.
Wanderdog is unable to offer any refunds, partial refunds, credits, or alternative services for missed classes under any reason including client illness, puppy illness (including kennel cough), puppy death or re-homing.
Wanderdog reserves the right to ask a guardian and dog to leave a group class, if it is deemed that the dog is a danger to the other dogs, or other guardians within the group and no refund will be given in this case.
If a class must be cancelled due to circumstances beyond Wanderdog’s control (such as adverse weather that prohibits the safety of the puppies or trainer illness where a replacement cannot be acquired), every effort by Wanderdog will be made to provide an alternative arrangement. This could involve a replacement class on an alternative day, or a temporary switch to online teaching. Wanderdog is unable to offer refunds, partial refunds, credits, or alternative services if a class is switched to online or an alternative date.
‘Private Training Packages’
Training sessions must be cancelled by the guardian in no less than 48 hours before a session time, otherwise the guardian will be responsible for full payment. All sessions are non-refundable once booked, however with 48 hours’ notice, it is possible to change to a new date and time. Partial refunds cannot be given after a training package has started for any unused sessions.
Wanderdog reserves the right to cancel training sessions up to the point of commencement of each session due to adverse/ dangerous weather conditions, trainer illness or any other reasonable reason. The trainer will mutually agree with the guardian alternative dates and times.
‘Behavioural Packages’
Refunds, full or partial, cannot be given after a behaviour package has started. A package is considered started one week before the consult date to allow sufficient time for consult preparation.
Wanderdog reserves the right to terminate a session at any time if, in their sole discretion, they determine the guardian’s dog poses a danger to the safety of the trainer or if the guardian has failed to disclose vital safety information before a session (i.e., a dog’s previous bite history or behaviour towards guests entering the home). Wanderdog can terminate a session if a guardian refuses to keep a dog on lead if requested as a safety measure. All behaviour consultations will start with the dog on lead and behind a barrier, until it is deemed safe to have them off lead.
Wanderdog reserves the right to cancel a session up to the point of commencement of each session due to adverse weather conditions, illness, or any other reasonable reason. In this case a mutually agreed alternative date and time will be arranged with the guardian.
Wanderdog welcomes all the family, including children to attend training classes (group and private) with their puppy. However, accepts no responsibility for children at these sessions. It is always the responsibility of the supervising adult to ensure that child's safely. Children must not wander up to or touch unknown dogs in the class.
Wanderdog reserves the right to request a disruptive child does not attend any future classes. It is the responsibility of the supervising adult to prevent the child from disturbing the process of learning for others during class. The guardian also agrees to bring suitable (not noisy or distracting) toys or colouring-in books to entertain the child, if they require it.
​Health & Vaccination
All puppies must have had their first set of puppy vaccinations to attend indoor group classes to help prevent potential risk or spread of disease. It is, however, important to get puppies in class as soon as possible as puppies aged under roughly 12-14 weeks are within a critical window of their early development and structured socialisation is required for the benefit of their future behaviour.
The guardian agrees to get in touch with Wanderdog prior to any group or private class, if the dog has been unwell or if they have been in contact with another dog infected with a contagious disease (including kennel cough). For group classes Wanderdog can have the puppy and guardian join the class remotely via Zoom to prevent spread to the other dogs. For private sessions, it will be best to re-arrange the session to prevent further spread and to avoid training with a dog who feels unwell.
Wanderdog will provide additional treats in both group classes and private sessions. The guardian agrees to make any food intolerances or allergies known to Wanderdog and will provide suitable alternatives. Wanderdog takes no responsibility for a dog’s allergic reaction that occurs when no information was provided about a food intolerance
Wanderdog makes every effort to ensure the safety of both guardians and dogs in our group and private classes. By making a booking with Wanderdog you are accepting that participating in an activity with dogs, children and adults poses a risk of injury to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify Wanderdog for all personal injury and damage to property while attending training classes. You agree to assume all responsibility for any risks, injuries, and damages, known or unknown, which might occur because of your dog attending such classes. You also agree to make any person who accompanies you to the session(s), or who comes in your place, aware that they are there at their own risk. You understand and accept that your dog (and their behaviour) always remains your sole responsibility.