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Group Puppy Classes in Central London - Bermondsey


Foundational classes for puppies

6 x sessions: A 1-hour online orientation class, and 5 x 1-hour practical in-person classes in our hall or the park during the summer months

Modern training methods: marker training, sit, down, settle, drop, leave it, loose lead walking, attention & recall

Important city life skills: I can be calm, I have confidence and like to be touched, I have self-control, I can listen, I am allowed to be a dog

Puppy topic advice: puppy socialisation, appropriate puppy play, body language and communication, toilet training, separation training, nipping & biting, crate training, sleeping through the night, nutrition & preventing resource guarding

Price for all 6 classes

Only £199

Next Course Dates

Indoor classes - Bermondsey Village Hall


Tuesday 30th April - Online Orientation Class - 7 pm

Practical sessions from Wednesday 1st May - 7 pm

up to 18 weeks (DOB - 26th Dec 23) - FULLY BOOKED!


Tuesday 4th June - Online Orientation Class - 7 pm

Practical sessions from Wednesday 5th June - 7 pm

up to 18 weeks (DOB - 30th Jan 24) - space available


Outdoors classes - Leathermarket Gardens


Saturday 25th May - Online Orientation Class - 1 pm

Practical sessions from Sunday 26th May - 1 pm

up to 24 weeks (DOB - 9th Dec 23) - space available


Please send in a form to enquire about additional courses we plan to book 

Address: Bermondsey Village Hall, Kirby Grove, London SE1 3TD (nearest transport - London Bridge Station/ Tube)


Puppies: We take 6 puppies per class to keep the class size small and provide more one-to-one advice and guidance


Pups must have received their first vaccination 1 week prior to starting the course (if classes are outdoors, pups need to be fully vaccinated and up to 18 weeks or kept on a large picnic blanket for the first 2 practical sessions).


Booking on: Once you have submitted your form, we will send you a confirmation email with details about our upcoming available Wanderpups group classes


*Please note that these classes are based on a first come, first served basis, and pre-payment in full is required to secure your pup's spot. We will hold a place for your puppy for 48 hours after we have sent you an invoice.


*For puppies who are particularly fearful, anxious or reactive towards people and other dogs, please get in touch before booking. We may need to assess if a group puppy class is the best environment for them at this stage or if private may be more appropriate - please see terms and conditions below for more information.

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